What’s the best way to get your child tested for ADHD?
If you think your child may have ADHD, a diagnosis can help them get the care they need to help them succeed.
If you think your child may have ADHD, a diagnosis can help them get the care they need to help them succeed.
Gaslighting is a manipulation tactic that can make you question your perception of reality.
Therapy can be an incredible tool for handling life’s challenges.
Secondary emotions come after primary emotions and can be more complicated.
If you have low self-esteem, there are things you can do to boost your confidence.
For people with existential anxiety, life’s big questions can cause extreme distress.
Neurotic behaviors are often a reaction to extreme stress or anxiety.
Some conditions, like ADHD, are more likely to occur in people with autism.
If you have trouble managing challenging emotions, help is available.
Divorce can be stressful for children, but there are things you can do to support them.
Neurodivergent people have both strengths and challenges and may need extra support to thrive.
Learning to recognize the signs of emotional abuse can help you heal from childhood trauma.