My name is Cheryl Ann Ballou, PsyD, PSY24243. I am a CBT therapist trained to provide EMDR. My specialty is trauma and PTSD, including combat PTSD.
My approach
As a CBT therapist, I believe every mind can change, even just a little, so ideas, exercises, challenges, and homework are important to how I work.
My focus
As a trauma/PTSD therapist, I typically see anxiety and depression as the presenting problems.
My communication style
I engage my patients and invite them to provide me with whatever feedback they may have in service to their case.
My journey to mental healthcare
I became a psychotherapist after working as a physical therapist for 25 years.
My goals for you
Patients are expected to consider their own goals, which can be revised at any time, to articulate their goals, and to work toward achieving their therapy goals.
My first session with you
I conduct a thorough evaluation at the time of the initial eval, addressing personal, social, legal, financial, medical, and sleep histories. A mental health history is taken. If indicated, drug, alcohol, gambling, shopping, sex, and pornography addiction histories are taken, and eating disorders history and sexual issues histories are taken. History of suicide attempts and cutting behaviors are addressed.