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How to Find a Counselor, Psychologist, or Therapists in Ohio

If you’re struggling with mental health issues and feel like having a professional get involved could help, you’re not alone. More than one out of every five Americans over 18 have experienced some form of mental illness in their lifetime. In 2021, 43% of adults in Ohio reported symptoms of anxiety or depression. 19% were unable to get the counseling they needed. Seeking support from a qualified counselor, psychologist, or therapist is often the best way to address these types of issues – especially when coupled with self-care strategies such as exercise and nutrition. Finding the right fit for your individual needs can be tricky though – that’s why we’ve put together this guide on how to find licensed mental health professionals in Ohio. You deserve to find someone to help you on your journey towards well-being!
A color coded chart discussing stress levels. The text reads: Stress can happen to anyone. People's response to stress lies along a continuum, from ready to ill. Knowing where you or someone you care about is along this spectrum can help you move yourself or them from ill or injured to a healthier, ready state.
Source: Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Therapists, counselors and psychologists: What are the differences?

When seeking support for mental health concerns, it can be daunting to navigate the different titles professionals hold, such as counselor, psychologist, and therapist. In Ohio, there are distinctions between these roles that can help individuals choose the right provider based on their specific needs.

What Are the Similarities Between the Three?

Before we dive into the specifics of each profession, let’s explore the commonalities shared by counselors, therapists, and psychologists:
  • Shared goal: All three professionals aim to improve mental and emotional well-being in their clients or patients.
  • Specialization: They often specialize in particular areas such as family issues, substance abuse, or relationship problems.
  • Education: A minimum of a master’s degree is typically required for counselors and therapists, while psychologists often hold a PhD.
Now, let’s delve into each profession individually.
“The demand for behavioral healthcare services in Ohio increased 353% from 2013-2019”Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

What Is a Counselor?

Counselors play a vital role in Ohio’s mental health care. Here’s what distinguishes them:
  • Functions and responsibilities: Counselors evaluate patients, provide educational resources on mental health conditions, and offer practical recommendations for addressing issues.
  • Specialization: They frequently specialize in specific areas such as substance abuse, sexual abuse, or family counseling.
Common job titles in this field include:
  • Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)
  • Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
  • Substance Abuse Counselor

What Is a Therapist?

Therapists are skilled professionals providing various forms of therapy. Here’s what sets them apart:
  • Functions and responsibilities: Therapists offer therapeutic interventions tailored to their clients’ needs, addressing issues like marriage and family problems or substance abuse.
  • Specialization: They often have expertise in specific therapy modalities, allowing them to tailor treatment approaches.
Common job titles in this field include:
  • Counseling Therapist
  • Family Therapist
  • Rehabilitation Psychology Therapist

What Is a Psychologist?

Psychologists are a distinct group within the mental health field, characterized by the following attributes:
  • Approach: Psychologists utilize specific psychotherapy theories like cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, or psychoanalysis to address complex mental health disorders.
  • Complex issues: They typically work with individuals facing severe mental health challenges, including clinical depression, borderline personality disorder, and bipolar disorder.
  • Education: Psychologists often hold a PhD, making their educational path more extensive and research-oriented.
Therapists, and psychologists share the overarching goal of enhancing mental and emotional well-being, but they differ in their approaches, specialization areas, and educational backgrounds. Understanding these distinctions will help you choose the right mental health professional in Ohio to meet your specific needs.

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Research Cost, Insurance Coverage, and Payment Options

If you’re considering therapy, it’s important to understand the cost, insurance coverage, and payment options available to you.  It’s always a good idea to call your insurance provider to ask about your coverage and what your out-of-pocket costs may be. Additionally, some Ohio therapists offer sliding scale fees or payment plans to make therapy more accessible. Don’t let cost be a barrier to getting the help you need – explore all of the options available to you.

Schedule an Initial Consultation

Starting your mental health journey can be daunting, especially if you’re not entirely sure where to begin. That’s where an initial consultation comes in. It’s an opportunity for you to speak with a professional and get a better understanding of what needs to be done, how long it will take, and how much it will cost.  You may have questions about the process that you need answers to, or perhaps you want to get a better understanding of the experience and qualifications of the person you’ll be working with.  Whatever the reason, scheduling an initial consultation is a great way to start the conversation. It’s a chance for you to lay out your goals and expectations, and to get feedback from someone who’s been there before. 

Understand Your Rights as a Patient in Ohio

As a patient in Ohio, it’s crucial to understand your rights. Knowing your patient rights in Ohio will give you the power to play an active role in your healthcare and make informed decisions. Ohio patient rights include the right to receive impartial access to dignified treatment, as well as confidentiality, privacy, and security.  Additionally, you have the right to consent or refuse treatment, receive financial transparency from healthcare providers, and options for resolving disputes with healthcare facilities. By knowing and exercising your patient rights in Ohio, you can ensure that you are receiving the best possible care and treatment.

Utilize Online Resources to Find a Professional in the Buckeye State

Finding a professional who specializes in the care you need is easier than ever. For those living in the Buckeye State seeking therapy, utilizing online resources is a great way to start. With the convenience of teletherapy, you can connect with a professional from the comfort of your own home or office.  Whether you’re seeking help for mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, or simply looking to make a positive change in your life, there are countless professionals in Ohio who can assist you with their expertise. Take advantage of the wealth of resources available online to find a professional who can help you achieve your goals.

Ohio mental health statistics

  • The mental health of Ohioans is generally worse than the national average. According to a WKYC report, the rate of depression in Ohio is 22%, which is higher than the national rate of 20.5%
  • Ohio has a significant need for mental health professionals, with only 29.8% of the need being met, compared to the national average of 27.7%
  • In Ohio, 478,000 adults have a serious mental illness, which is higher than the national average. 

Final Thoughts

Finding quality mental health care is essential for mental wellness in today’s society. So make sure you take the necessary steps to research and understand your own rights when searching for mental health professionals near you. Rula Mental Health is always available to help you find the right therapist to tackle any situation. Don’t hesitate – take control of your mental wellness journey and find a therapist in Ohio using Rula Mental Health today!

Find a mental health professional in Ohio